Monday, August 20, 2012

Doggy Tales -- Meet Disco the Parakeet!

I am thrilled today to present on Doggy Tales an adorable guy that I ran across quite by accident on FaceBook. This is Disco the parakeet. (permission granted to use photos and videos)

Though he's a different color, Disco so reminds me of our very own parakeet, Skipper, that lived with us many years ago. Sadly, video recorders weren't as common then (or as affordable!) and we never had a chance to tape his wonderful personality and unique vocabulary.

(Skipper 1980 - 1992)

Look at this fabulous video of Disco speaking to his Daddy.

Thanks to Disco's human mom for the bio:

 "Disco is a 2-year old parakeet from Rochester, NY. He lives with his family of three people and one very loud miniature schnauzer, Freddie. Disco joined his family at the age of 4 months, and spoke his first phrase -- “pretty bird” -- just three weeks later. Disco now says more than 60 phrases, and not just in English. Disco can quote John F. Kennedy in German, can tell you he loves you in Swedish and plans on learning many more tongues. Besides mimicking human language, Disco enjoys barking, meowing, snoring and beat boxing. Disco leads a very active social life thanks to social networking. He has over 700 followers on Twitter and YouTube and 5,000 fans on Facebook."

Be sure to keep up with Disco on FaceBook and Twitter.

Thank you Disco for visiting Doggy Tales today. 'That's bird to your mother'.


REMEMBER: Doggy Tales is Reader Contributed. If you have, or have had, a finned, feathered, or furry friend you were fortunate enough to share your life with, we want to hear about it! Leave a comment here with an addy where I can contact you, or click the FaceBook link on the right hand side and PM me. Your article will be featured in a future Monday segment.

Monday, August 6, 2012

'Caption Me This!' Monday

'Caption Me This!'

More caption fun! Can you think of a clever caption of this photo?

Remember, the winner receives an adorable badge to display on their site!